Tuesday, October 29, 2013

His Burden is Light

Sometimes the burden seems unwieldy—undefined in shape and weight. But I´ve never considered not carrying it. I´ve never wished it away. I´ve never wanted things to go back to “normal.” My heart accepted the embrace of this strange heaviness because it brought God closer, and the joy is sweet of stumbling and finding God´s arms beneath you. This burden makes me breathless, and at times I´m at a loss as to what to do with it. This burden pushes me down and humbles me…I´m not used to being pushed down so intensely. The downward impetus drives me to my knees where I cry openly before God and realize that this is where I have always belonged.   

I do not readily understand why, why me, why now. I see glimmers of heavenly reasoning, but I don´t see the big picture. I stifle my human need for explanation. It is not God´s purpose for me to fully know; His desire is for me to fully accept. The weight within keeps me from seeing very far ahead and sometimes blocks out the sun completely.
But I refuse to let go…I don´t even think of escaping. The simple thought of losing this burden devastates me. I cling to it because the One who placed it on me is also helping me bear it, and I cannot risk losing that closeness to Him. When I only see darkness, He knows where I´m at. When it seems too heavy, my weakness makes Him stronger. In my overwhelmed existence, new dimensions of God´s character reveal themselves. The feeling of being near such Divine beauty causes everything else to fade. I would not trade such an experience. The experience brought on by this burden propels me along some invisible path.  Almost like the burden itself has wings and is carrying me home, deeper into my Father´s heart.
“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

What Jesus Dreams of...

Have you ever pursued a dream relentlessly? Have you ever had a rather outlandish hope of accomplishing or conquering something? Have you ever set your heart on achieving something that others considered crazy at best, if not just plain impossible? Whether or not they actually say so, your companions hope you´ll give up the impossible dream, or at least set your sights considerably lower. For an inexplicable reason, however, you keep dreaming. You expend your energy and time working toward your goal. You refuse to let the moments of hurt, defeat, and failure along the way faze you.  

If ambition is your strong suit, perhaps this has been your experience. On the other hand, if you´re like me, you play it practical and only pursue “reasonable” goals.

My next question is going to sound weird: Have you ever died in the pursuit of a dream?

Obviously, if you´re reading this, your answer is “No.”

But Jesus did. His dream was of more value to Him than His own life.

He renounced the glory He knew, to live and die for what He loved. He rose again, conquering death, and with fresh passion returned to the self-less path of pursuit – pursuit of His one true dream.

What actually WAS this dream of His?

Well, basically……you. You are Jesus´ dream.

His thoughts are consumed with you. All His most beautiful plans are centered on you. He endlessly contemplates strategies for catching your attention and winning your devotion. Every morning He forgets that you crushed His dreams the day before. He simply wishes His love would overwhelm you.  

A simple fact of your life - Jesus has loved you all these years, with all His heart, all His soul, and all His might. Against all odds, He dreams of at least one of His children being as passionate about Him as He is about them. His dream seems outlandish. He´s dreaming that one day you will purely love Him…not because He NEEDS your love in the grand scheme of things, but because being in a superficial, one-sided relationship with you breaks His lover´s heart. The disconnect between you and him burdens His soul. He doesn´t just want your hand. He doesn´t need you to play the Christianity game. He doesn´t need you to say the right thing, or say anything at all.  He´s just longing for you to receive His love and love Him back. And He won´t give up.  

Monday, October 7, 2013

Because He first loved me...

Sometimes less is more. I could expound on the why, how, where.  But I will simply state the WHAT. Today I am broken. I am sorry. I am ready to fall in love with the One I have been marginalizing all these years. The Holy Spirit drove the truth deep into my heart through a series of inner events. The truth—I have never LOVED God as I should.

God loves us with a passion, and at times with quiet desperation…all He wants is to be LOVED back. I have not responded to Him. I have been enamored with idea of knowing God, of praying to Him, of doing good things for others, but I have failed to learn how to LOVE Him in the true deepness of that word.

LOVE. I have appreciated God, and liked talking to Him. I have believed in God, and often felt Him nearby. I have spoken of God, and shared much truth. But what He most wants, I have cheated Him out of—adoring, all-consuming love in my heart towards Him. It´s as if I have been taking advantage of One who is deeply in love with me. I´ve been using the things and blessings He showers on me. I have told others how great it is to be in a relationship with Jesus. There were times that the sweet touches of Him pursuing me melted away my natural coldness.  And yet, all in all, my love for Him has been rather shallow and passionless.

I have become comfortable being in a courting relationship with God, a rather one-sided courting relationship at that. All this time, He has been pouring Himself into this relationship, into this dream of me one day loving Him enough to marry Him. He has focused on the positive, seeing my potential and seeing the best in me. His influence has moved me to act and live my life a certain way. He has not complained about the minimal amount of emotion that I invest back into our relationship.

I am broken. I am sorry, Father God. You have witnessed my tears. I have stood you up time and time again. I have left you waiting in the perimeters of my heart, in the hallway of my house. But, I am ready to fall in love. Come in. Teach me how to love. Speak to me the kindest and most endearing words that I tuned out before because I loved things and others above you. I want to be enchanted by you, melted by your patience, captured by your steady devotion. Forgive the practical mindset, the self-centeredness, and independence that have kept you at a distance. I want to commit. I want to fulfill your desires. I want to LOVE you.