First rays of the sun hitting the wall over my bed.
Retracing their path through the window at the same angle as they did last
July. Not much different than yesterday. I sit up…my eyes squinting and my
heart calmly beating in my chest. The rhythm within and without continues. Not
much different than yesterday. Not much different than any given dawn in the
past 27 years of my existence.
Every once in a while, though, something happens.
Something happens that makes you look at the rising sun in wonder, as if
beholding a miraculous and mystical reality. Something happens…such as when the
heart of one you love ceases to beat…and suddenly today is completely different
than yesterday. The sun´s appearance is no longer a rote happening. The mechanical
contractions of the heart seem not so mechanical. Life takes on preciousness.
Something new has entered my consciousness this
morning. A new truth. It is this—God Loves me…today.
While Love of divine magnitude was made evident at
the cross, it did not find conclusion there. God mindfully lives out His Love
to us each day much like a devoted husband or wife will choose to make the
marriage vows a vibrant reality on a daily basis. Spouses forget their promise
at times. He does not forget. He anticipates the sound of my alarm clock so He
can wash my soul with fresh Love…not simply because He has to keep up His end
of the bargain or because He cannot deny His own essence, but because He longs
for me to know that I am of unprecedented value to Him and vital to His
I hear Him quietly say, “Hey, little one, guess
what? Today…yes, today I Love you!” It´s
a new truth…for both Him and me. It takes a moment for this incredible
confession to sink in. When it begins to, His emotion is contagious. The sun´s
appearance is no longer a rote happening. The mechanical contractions of the
heart seem not so mechanical. Life takes on preciousness.
“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing
love, for I have put my trust in you.” Psalm 143:8
[ROTE (adj.) proceeding mechanically and repetitiously; being mechanical and repetitious in nature; routine; habitual.]
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