Once upon a time we were created. We came to be not because
God needed more created beings in order for His universe to subsist, but
because the highest happiness that a God of Love could envision was the
happiness of being a Father.
God intentionally made us in His image, which meant we were
also capable of creating our own family units and loving our offspring to
amazing degrees. In His Love, God made us capable of experiencing this utmost
happiness with Him.
When Jesus came to earth He did not simply show us God, the
Supreme Creator and King. Jesus came to show us OUR FATHER. Jesus came to show
us that God is a family man and that we are His kids.
In essence, I exist because God wanted a family! Long ago
God intuitively captured that His own highest calling was Fatherhood—the
raising of children in the light of His own Love! With all His intellectual
ability, limitless physical capacity, and creativity, the supreme satisfaction
for His soul was found in having a family to nurture and Love.
He would do anything to see His family whole and harmonious
again! Restoration is perhaps within reach…perhaps beginning with me
recognizing how important the symbolism of marriage and family is to our very
identity. Perhaps my perspective can begin restoring God's shattered vision,
one family at a time.
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