Even thinking about it…it sounds so self-centered. Yet this
is me—Ariana—being transparent.
I´m going to whisper it. It is a secret after all.
“All I have ever, ever really wanted…”
(deep breath) “Yeah, all I have ever, ever really wanted is
to be unashamedly and steadfastly loved.”
My secret looks vulnerable typed out for anyone to see. It
makes me appear needy, desperate, and selfish in my own eyes. It´s like I´m one
of those people, those whiny girls, who think “everything” is about them.
As only the true Lover of my soul would do, He volunteers to
share His own secret in return.
God whispers, “All I have ever, ever really wanted was for
one of those who I have unabashedly loved to love me back to such a ridiculous
degree that the two of us would lose track of ourselves in a joyous vortex of
giving and receiving, and finally simply be one in love.”
His innocent dream melts me. I feel less ashamed, and more
amazed. He IS love! I was created to be His!
I share my secret with you for one reason…I thought perhaps
it might be your secret too. God and I didn´t want you to think you were the
only one. Oh, and that kind of ridiculous love you´ve always secretly longed
for…well it TRULY EXISTS!
“I have loved you with an everlasting love, and with
loving-kindness I have drawn you.” Jeremiah 31:3
“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I
in thee, that they also may be one in us…that the love wherewith thou hast
loved me may be in them, and I in them.” John 17:21