It was a sinking and momentarily devastating feeling. No one
had ever told me that they seriously doubted my sincerity. Two things made the
admission worse—the fact that it came from a friend and the fact that their
disbelief concerned an experience that was extremely beautiful to my heart.
I listened...too crushed to say much. I did my best to
understand. Tears surfaced. (To think, I had evoked mistrust and doubt in a
friend´s mind by how I had lived or spoken or acted.) I immediately wanted to
identify where I had gone wrong. Was I truly as insincere as I had been
perceived? Were my words perhaps not trustworthy at all? I thanked my friend
for their honesty. Our friendship grew after that conversation, but I cannot
completely forget the feeling it gave me—to not be trusted, to not be

Over the months a growing realization is that it is me who,
after years of “belief in God,” has never TRULY believed half of what God has
spoken and done in Love towards me. Unlike me, God´s heart is infinitely
sincere. I prance around His miracles and enjoy the light of His pursuing Love
while holding on to partial, superficial belief in Him. With a lifetime of
outward belief on my résumé (church goer, scripture memorizer, hymn singer,
etc.), where is the absolute belief that would seep into my every day and tinge
my every conscious thought? Where is the radical faith that would make my eyes
glow with peace and Love beyond measure? Having whispered the words “I love
You” to God, can I make decisions that shout “But I only half-believe most of
what You say?” Can I doubt the sincerity of One who wordlessly died to give me
We have believed in enough counterfeits, have we not? We try
to prove ourselves or our ideas worthy of belief. We have believed in
things…the power of prayer, the necessity of belief itself, our denominational
doctrines, the Christian virtues. Our belief must become deeper and simpler.
God seeks one who will simply believe in His Name. His Name is Love. Love
cannot lie. Love keeps its promises. With our wavering hearts, we fall short of absolute belief
in this life-changing Love. We doubt syllables, phrases, and entire sentences
of His truth. Oh God, help thou our unbelief.