I was annoyed.
(Lately it seems whenever I confess to someone that I was
annoyed, they do a double-take and with shock in their tone say, “You get
annoyed?” To set the records of my
reputation straight—Yes, Ariana gets annoyed by others like all normal human
beings. Similarly, I am at times annoyed without being able to explain the reason why.)
Last week was strange. My cousin was visiting for several
days and I normally would have enjoyed every second of his company. Not only is
he a cousin who I care for (as I cherish all my cousins), but he is a cousin
with whom I have shared poignant spiritual conversations and experiences.
However, this time a vague annoyance would steal over me whenever he entered the room. He knew I was determined to finish some
work projects and so he would mostly come into my room just to lie on the
mattress and read a book. But just knowing he was in the room annoyed me. I
couldn´t explain my annoyance except to say that I felt he was somehow silently
expecting something of me. If he
happened to come up to my computer desk and ventured to ask “Whatcha
doing?” (a question that to me had all
too obvious of an answer), I would have to take a deep breath in order to give
a minimally polite response. This was not a passing case of annoyance. It was
full-blown.I hid my annoyance fairly well and hoped it would pass. I
was too busy to think or pray about it for too long.
One afternoon we decided to stop and talk to God at a favorite bridge of mine on the way home. The day was brilliant and
filled with wind. As we shared our spiritual contemplations with each other and
with God, I felt all trace of annoyance with my cousin disappear.
Getting in the car and driving away, it hit me. I knew
why I had been so annoyed. My cousin´s
expectations were impossible to avoid.
He expected me to have new spiritual insight. He expected continuation
of conversations about God´s Love. He expected the spontaneous prayer times we
both reveled in. He expected the excitement in my voice. He expected the
intense seeking after God in my daily living. Without saying anything out loud,
he was looking for all these things in me and I reacted negatively to the
pressure of these expectations.

My cousin was not the only expectant one. Nor was he the
only one I was inwardly annoyed at. God was likewise expectant. Truthfully, I
was annoyed by God—by His expectations. How could He expect above-average
performance from an average girl? How could He expect a totally transformed
life? How could He expect my hand to cling tenaciously to His? How could He
expect more sacrifice? How could He expect ceaseless passion from a girl who
gets tired and has work deadlines?
But then again, how could He not? He has said I am His
and He is mine…thus making ALL things attainable and ALL things a joy through
His Love. (Lesson learned).